Limited restock of NINE SEVENS, ’70s singles & Special Editions
PF456 Deluxe & Not About To Die on sale
Pink Flag, Chairs Missing & 154 T-shirts back in stock in all sizes.
We’ve turned up a small quantity of the NINE SEVENS box-set as well as some leftover individual 7-inches and a few Special Editions. These items won’t be manufactured again in these formats, and so this is your last chance to grab them at ‘non collectors’ prices!
The 7-inches from the NINE SEVENS box and the Twelve Times You second pressing have never been available as separate items.
In addition, we are offering a couple of very limited bundles. Dot Dash 7in with the matching T-shirt & Twelve Times You (which, as everybody knows, is 12XU) with a 12XU T-shirt. Follow the link & click on offers.
We have also restocked some Special Editions. Some of these are in super-limited quantities.
We are also discounting PF456 Deluxe & Not About To Die (the latter on LP & CD).
We have restocked the ever-popular Pink Flag, Chairs Missing & 154 T-shirts in all sizes. These remain the only official T-shirts bearing the album cover images. Any idiot can put an album cover image on to a photo of a T-shirt and provide a cheap knock-off that doesn’t resemble the item offered (defrauding both customer and band – there are plenty of them out there) but we actually put the photographic image on the shirt. It’s not a cheap process, but you do get what you pay for! Besides those, there is also a Mannequin T-shirt and Dot Dash and 12XU T-shirts available seperately.
The shop itself has also undergone a makeover, and so
hopefully it's easier to find items now! The ‘More’ menu
gives access to certain categories eg Albums, Singles or
The Legal
Bootleg Series. The at the top always takes you back Home and takes you to! (In a new tab so you can
easily go back to the shop.) The top banners will change as new products or
deals become available.