Wire - 154 T-shirt

154 T-shirt


Available Sizes Buy


Wire - 154 T-shirt

Size Guide

Size || Chest Size
S 34/36
M 38/40
L 42/44
XL 46/48
XXL 50/52
3XL 54/56
4XL 58/60

As was mentioned in our newsletter we have been working behind the scenes to produce what we feel is the ultimate 70's Wire piece of merchandising. The album t-shirts. These are produced by a very new technology which enables full colour images to be printed directly onto cotton t-shirts of any colour. The image is not “stuck on” it feels like any other printed T-shirt and is completely washable also. The catch is that as this is a new technology the costs are to make them hugely more than regular t-shirts so we can’t really retail them at less than £29.99.

*Note - to purchase a shirt in 4XL, select the 'Black' option*


These are high quality t-shirts featuring the artwork from the 154 album, hand-produced in Brighton.